Wing Virtual Assistant offers dedicated virtual assistants to help businesses delegate tasks and focus on growth.
Wing Virtual Assistant provides a comprehensive virtual assistant solution tailored for businesses, startups, and executives. By assigning dedicated virtual assistants, it allows organizations to delegate routine and critical tasks effectively, ensuring that they can concentrate on strategic growth and essential operations. The service includes a Customer Success Manager to facilitate communication and task management, enabling seamless collaboration through various channels such as a web app, mobile app, and Slack integration. Additionally, it features the Wink task management app for tracking tasks and managing communications, making it easier to collaborate with your assistant.
Yes, each client is assigned a dedicated virtual assistant.
Assistants typically work 4 to 8 hours a day, depending on the plan selected.
Yes, Wing services are available internationally to clients.
'Unlimited work' refers to the volume of tasks you can assign within the agreed hours.
You can communicate with your assistant through the web app, mobile app, Slack, or phone.
# | Task | Popularity | Impact | Follow |
1 |
Personal assistant |
48% Popular
85% Impact
2 |
Task management |
78% Popular
78% Impact
3 |
Task automation |
100% Popular
87% Impact
4 |
Workflow automation |
43% Popular
85% Impact
5 |
Virtual girlfriend |
91% Popular
87% Impact
6 |
Social media management |
65% Popular
82% Impact
7 |
Business automation |
65% Popular
85% Impact
8 |
Academic assistance |
74% Popular
78% Impact
9 |
Business consulting |
78% Popular
82% Impact
10 |
Shopping assistance |
57% Popular
85% Impact
11 |
Coding assistance |
87% Popular
87% Impact
12 |
Customer support |
52% Popular
77% Impact
13 |
Apps |
57% Popular
76% Impact
14 |
Chatbots |
91% Popular
87% Impact
15 |
Spreadsheet tasks |
52% Popular
78% Impact