Standuply is a virtual assistant that automates Agile processes and enhances team communication within Slack and Teams.
Standuply serves as a virtual Agile Development Assistant designed specifically for Slack and Teams. It automates various Agile and HR processes, streamlining team communication and improving overall productivity. By automating standup meetings, retrospectives, backlog grooming, and planning poker, Standuply ensures that teams can collaborate more effectively while allowing for asynchronous meetings through text, voice, or video. Additionally, it features an internal Q&A system that captures frequently asked questions, connects team members with internal experts, and enhances knowledge sharing, making it an essential tool for progressive teams looking to improve their workflows.
Standuply can automate standup meetings, retrospectives, backlog grooming, planning poker, and other Agile processes.
The internal Q&A system captures frequently asked questions and provides instant answers, helping to connect users with subject matter experts and streamline knowledge sharing.
Yes, Standuply can integrate with various tools, including Slack and Microsoft Teams, to enhance its functionality.
# | Task | Popularity | Impact | Follow |
1 |
Workflow automation |
52% Popular
85% Impact
2 |
Task automation |
89% Popular
87% Impact
3 |
Business automation |
63% Popular
85% Impact
4 |
Task management |
78% Popular
78% Impact
5 |
Chatbots |
85% Popular
87% Impact
6 |
Software development |
70% Popular
78% Impact
7 |
Conversation management |
44% Popular
76% Impact
8 |
QA |
52% Popular
85% Impact
9 |
Social media management |
63% Popular
82% Impact
10 |
Meetings |
56% Popular
75% Impact
11 |
Project management |
67% Popular
73% Impact
12 |
Productivity |
96% Popular
87% Impact
13 |
Prompts |
22% Popular
82% Impact
14 |
Meeting summaries |
85% Popular
87% Impact
15 |
Sales training |
52% Popular
75% Impact